JUMP TOAPI OverviewIntroductionAuthenticationResponse CodesDevicesLocationsGet locationsgetAppliancesGet a paginated list of appliancesgetGet appliance informationgetCamerasGet a paginated list of camerasgetGet camera countgetGet a url to a live stream of the cameraspostGet camera informationgetHistorical FootageCreate historical footage jobpostGet details of a submitted historical footage requestgetZonesGet zonesgetShared SearchCreate shared camera search viewpostGet shared camera search view detailsgetUpdate shared camera search view detailspatchIntelligenceAnalyticsCountgetIdlegetPresencegetLPIGet all Licence Plate Interest ListsgetCreate a Licence Plate Interest ListpostLPRLPR ReportgetSpot Connect (beta)OverviewGlossaryIntegrationsGet all integrationsgetCreate a new integrationpostGet integration informationgetUpdate integration nameputDelete an existing integrationdeleteIntegration DevicesGet all devices for integrationgetCreate integration devicepostGet integration device by idgetUpdate integration device propertiesputDelete an integration devicedeleteUpdate integration device camera linksputIntegration EventsGet all integration eventsgetIngest Integration EventpostImport Integration EventspostUpdate Integration EventputDelete Integration EventdeleteIntegration Event TypesGet all event types for integrationgetCreate integration event typepostGet integration event type by idgetUpdate integration event type nameputDelete integration event typedeletePowered by Get camera countget https://dev-api.spot.ai/v1/cameras/countReturns the number of enabled cameras for an organization